TehTarik Acoustic Cover - Kau (V.E.)

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Originally I was suppose to write about something else, but on the way back home from work, I stumbled across an old CD that was literally collecting dust in my room and had a listen to some of the tunes to the yesteryears.

I came across this old school song and immediately had to make a cover of it ASAP.

For most of you who knows me well enough would know that I have been a fan of V.E. a while back and truth be told along the years, I have been attempting to cover some of their songs (despite the band breaking up a while back). Even in fact my very first cover video (then made in a cold evening in Reading, England) was covering the song Ayu by V.E. (click on link to see that video) which was about a couple of years back.

The only problem with V.E. song is that there will never be chords released on the net therefore I had about half and hour to figure out the chords as well as write the lyrics while listening to the original. The end result?

[not really the best freeze frame so far...]

As you can see, I didn't even had time to change from work. Hope you guys enjoy my rendition of the song and please forgive me for the mistakes! Was working under pressure!

Nang this post if you like it guys! Thanks!
Follow the TehTarik way!


  1. since you said "do be kind on the review"...i think it's the best acoustic cover of the song i've heard :D

    hehe no but really, it's not bad at all. a tad bit pitchy and u make a few tiny slips (with the plucking in the beginning and a few chord transitions, although i'm not sure if the latter was caused by the video hanging a little on my side. hehe). but i'd much rather listen to this clip over justin bieber/rebecca black songs any day!

    i'd say something to you that i'd never ever say to them. Keep singing! :D

  2. best acoustic song like real song....

  3. Great video with your url on it. How to do it? (the url)
