Putrajaya Night Run 2011

<data:blog.pageName/> <data:blog.title/> <data:blog.pageTitle/> In light of my newest interest, I am still trying to keep up of joining at least one run per month just to get myself in shape for bigger and longer runs in the future. Before anything, I would like to make it clear that I am yet a MARATHON RUNNER merely going for runs. I feel its unfair for people to call themselves "running a marathon" without actually competing in anything less than 21km, especially for those who train hard for it!

[Putrajaya Night Marathon 2011]

This time around we managed to get ourselves involved with the Putrajaya Night Run 2011 which is different because running at night is way harder than actually running in the morning. I had my running mates with me, Ash who was running for 7km runs before as well as Pascal, who ran with me during the Siemens Run but unfortunately this would be his last run in Malaysia as he is going home to Germany after this.


We made our way to Putrajaya that night, courtesy of Ash's driving skills but we were shocked to find out how many was running that night. Solo runners, people running with groups and event corporate runners were all out there to run and I knew first hand that this would be a heavy traffic run for us lot. Nevertheless we got ourselves ready by the side of the starting line with necessary stretching and funny puns to keep our spirits high. One thing I realized though because the night air in Putrajaya was so hot that we were panting and sweating even doing our warm ups! Imagine how its going to be like during the run itself....

[Psyching ourselves before the run!]

[We wanted to do a jump pose but end up getting a before, during, after shot! #failwin!]

Once everything was done, we got ourselves in between the people for the start of the race and boy was I nervous. Despite this being my second run, all I wanted in my head was to finish faster than my previous run and prove that I can still improve. Before we knew it, the gun blew off and we were off for the race!


The start of the urn went quite well, despite the traffic of people who decided to stop running after 300 meters in the race. I sometimes wonder why do people would still use their phones to either talk, go on FourSquare or even check out their Facebook IN THE MIDDLE OF THE RUN! Nevertheless I stuck to our team's strategy and focused on my breathing and running.

First kilometer went with a breeze, with no signs of exhaustion of anything. That remained the same with the next 5 kilometers to my absolute delight, even had time to react and high five some kind people who came to support.

Passing the 6th kilometer, the ankle problem came again, and this time was just the right ankle. It was frustrating since I had no signs of exhaustion and the pain was disrupting my running tempo. Even more frustrating when my movements started to get restricted.

7th kilometer was when my left ankle joined the pain train, and this time I was cramping bad. Lesson learnt for the next run, do not eat or drink anything apart from water or 100 Plus before the run. I had the tummy ache more than you can imagine.

9th kilometer I saw a lot of people starting to slow down. I had this guy who came running beside me because me screaming and shouting to Ash to push forth got him all high spirited as well! Rejoice!

Coming on to the end, I could barely see the finishing line (partly because the sign was badly lighted up) but that's when I let everything out. All the stored energy minus the pain on my ankles I pushed for a 200 meter dash and gave everything I got! I even got the both of them to go for it as well!

And that was it!

[The guys posing for their finish!]

[I could barely stand up because of the ankle pain but the guys got my back!]

[With our Finishing Medals!]

and my final time was 1:18:45

It was a proud moment for me with another run successfully completed. I am sure as hell going to keep the momentum going with the next couple more runs. Slightly disappointed that I came out slower than before but this would only go as the reason for me to train harder. In the end, there is that one run I wanna train for 42km next year...

[Next year baby...]

check out more posts like this under TehTarikRun

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  1. If u need a coach/partner - training plans for a marathon, ask away brother. A full marathon is always something that I wanted to do, but never got around to it - just done 4 half marathons before I went off to NZ which would be roughly 6+ years ago. 

  2. haha the ang moh is cute...shiny head he's got LOL

  3. damn bro... when i was viewing ur pics, i keep looking at them arms. 


    they are african rock pythons!

    no homo

  4. 1:18:45, quite impressive. Its ok, as long as you can complete the run. :)
