Nur Amalina Che Bakri : Genius or Social Pariah?

Another filler post while I am editing a few pictures for my next post. However disturbingly, I have been reading on the net about this girl that is currently studying medicine in the UK after receiving a scholarship to do so.

[Record Breaking Genius Amalina]

Problem is, as to true Malaysian social media fashion, the attention given to her these days are no longer of her achievements but rather her social life that has changed, supposedly ever since she made her way overseas to study. Blame it on peer pressure, culture shock or anything else, she does look a tad different than how she use to look like in the past.

[What she looks like today]

Truth be told, and before I start I would like to apologise for some of the language used in this post, is WHO GIVES A HOOT?

Most of the reading that I have done, I have seen too many of a times that people are just more interested in the juicy facts of her life rather than what she has been achieving so far. Yes, fact of the matter is that she does look very very very different than what she looks like and that is about it. Yet people are so hung up over it more than anything else.

Let me be the one to say it first people, people would change their personality or even their appearance WITH OR WITHOUT being overseas and it sure as hell would not be THE ONLY INDICATION of personal degradation in a person. 

Perhaps I would like to be the voice of logic that more over that not, we have seen even BIGGER drastic changes of looks among girls happening here in Malaysia more often that those studying overseas and funny enough, none of those get into the attention of people as much as those who study overseas. So many times I have seen girls studying locally here in Malaysia also getting themselves involved with "wild" activities as much as anyone else studying overseas.

So what I would want to know, why should we be so hung up over her personal life when what we should be concerned about is more to her academic progress as she is using the country's resources to be there in the first place. Is it because that we are really concerned or is it just because that we are just interested in juicy gossip news?

[Sufiah Yusof - Child Prodigy turned Hooker]

There are concerns that Amalina might end up like the tragic stories of other child geniuses like Sufiah would happen again here.

I concur that fears like that may be genuine but can a situation like this repeats itself all over again just because of a change of appearance? Would a tragic situation like this happen again because of the difference of environment? 

In the end of the day people, I believe that Amalina is a grown woman of 24 who should be able to (at least we know she should be smart enough) to know the rights and wrong for her own actions and as decent people, we shouldn't really be to hung up of her own personal social life that may or may not be different as how she was when she left the country.

But one thing is for sure, I WOULD LIKE TO REINSTATE that just because that a person studies overseas, it does not become a reason why a person changes their personality or anything of that nature. I went overseas to study for many years in my life and I turned out decent and randy dandy fine as always. :)

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  1. Doakan yg terbaik utk diaorng...aamiin

  2. Hey,I don't think it's any concern of us to be involved in her social life.If she is doing well in medical school,she is keeping her obligation as the receiving end of her scholarship.So be it,whatever she does in her private life is none of our business!BTW,I enjoy reading your blogs.Thanks.

  3. BERUBAHLAH menjadi insan yang BERTAQWA.....lebih baik dari SEMALAM!.....jangan risau sekiranya diri anda banyak dosa....kerana SEMUA orang melakukan dosa...kecuali nabi dan rasul!!...xperlu malu..xperlu segan....SIApA ANDA DAHULU TIDAK PENTING!!!....yang penting..adalah SIAPA ANDA SEKARANG! 

  4. I don't get why people judge her just because she change prettier and people assume that she's partying wild and doing wild things. Always with the overseas influence is bad and yada yada. =.=

  5. Its RELIGION folks. She is a Muslim. We Muslims live our daily life according to our religious teachings. What she is doing now is contrary to Islamic teachings, that is the real issue.

  6. People are just so... Heh. Once you change to this look, everyone straight away assumes that you do negative things and what not. As long as she knows her limit and gets her priorities straight, her appearance should be the last thing everyone should be worried about, I say.

  7. All the best for the future to Amalina. May she be guided by the teachings of Islam. Insya Allah.

  8. all the best 4 ur future!!!!dunia nk kiamat dah!!!!!fikir2 la...

  9. you r right my friend..

  10. wow she looks like a total changed girl whom i can't recognize at all! scholarship eh? so disappointing.. 

    Latest: From buffet to bubble milk tea; Creative JOGOYA! 

  11. she look hot and spicy. keep it up

  12. as people always said 'I want to be free'. Free from Allah's Rules.. But you are never ever free from the day when you will become just a corpse, bury in soil and waiting for the Day of Judgement(Yaumul Hisab)..   

  13. i wonder if she can grads as a docter.. if not its just another waste

  14. This wat happens when we force our believes and religion to the young mind... we hav to let them decide wats right and wrong.. we always force them to wear tudung at school.. then when they grow up they c other races r wearing lowcut shirts and skinny pants they wan 2 try it too without realizing that they are making a mistake.. so v have to let them make their own choices in they life.. tis may sound rude and against our believe but that's the truth  

  15. a simple formula.. =) 

    Al-Khawarizmi, pakar Matematik Islam mengatakan:
    Jika wanita solehah dan beragama = 1
    Jika dia cantik, tambah 0 kepada 1 = 10
    Jika dia kaya, tambah lagi 0 = 100
    Dan jika dia dari keluarga baik-baik, tambah lagi 0 = 1000
    Tetapi jika yang ’1′ tiada…
    Maka, tiada apa yang tersisa pada wanita tersebut kecuali sekelompok ‘0’.
    untuk renungan sejenak:Sabda Rasulullah:"Orang yang paling cerdik adalah orang yang sentiasa mengingati mati." (Riwayat Ibnu Majah dan Ibnu Abidunya.)

  16. I am in Amalina's class at medical school in Edinburgh. She is a very modest and honorable girl

  17. Why disappointing? She is top of our class in Edinburgh?!

  18. Sedarlaa.. Muka dah la tak bpe nak lawa... jgn la tambahkan hodoh tu bertambah lagi... Ni nak ingatkan je..

  19. Lots of bad staff on the net abt her.Find it hard to accept it. Is she doing well in med school.Her private life is hers alone.Easy to doctor photo's.

  20. I knew a couple who sleeping together everynite.Foundation students. The guy failed and left but the girl got thru and went on to med school in another college.No one knows her past.Parents got money so has mobility and can hide her past n present BUT Allah knows everything.Pity the parents  x know all this abt their sex-crazed daughter until now. Deception is an art and easy if u have the 'fulus' babe.

  21. Thats good!! Cant the university results b shown on the net or FB?? Then can put all this to rest. It x mean that all sexually aroused chicks or guys are poor students. I know many collegemates who slept with their galfrens n boyfrens right thru the 5 years in med school.My frens in Perth often rented a porn CD for the weekend and some wine to go with it. Its part of their study programme?? I often met them in Williams St, Perth Porn Shops on Fri nites.I was alone n miserable then!!
