Thought of the Day: Do or Do Not

I have to admit, these last few months has been a rather difficult month for me to juggle. So in the midst of a very hectic schedule and exhaustion, sometimes one would be incline to put your plans and goals on the background, telling yourself that you will try to accomplish it.

No surprise the word "Try" has always been in our dictionary, instilled in our minds since we were kids. Our parents tell us constantly to "give it a go" or "try to do it first" to everything that we do when we were kids, with the intention that we would initiate us in our own action. However today as adults, we tend to use that excuse to justify us from not doing what we plan to do. In another words, using "try" to justify procastination.

[Fantastic work from Zen Pencils!]

I believe that the cartoon above tells exactly the type of mentality we need to have at all times. In everything in life, we now live in a world where "trying" is no longer an option. Either get something done or don't do it at all.

Because in the end of the day, the results of your actions is not in question here, but the fact that there will be no regrets later on because you have done all you can. Everything is about giving your 110% and nothing less to get what you want in life.

This now implies to me, whether I want to get the body that I desire, whether I want to complete that 21 or 42km run, whether I want to take that extra push for that additional 5kgs in my press, it all boils down to one mentality.

Get it done.

On another note, I am now following a fantastic collection of motivational cartoons by Zen Pencils, who I think is super creative in taking your everyday motivation quotes in a very different context. Do check out his work, I am a huge fan!


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