Mini Nuffnang Gathering in Sabah

Recovering from travelling does take a toll on myself and also my time to actually make an update on the blog so do understand the nature of a long overdue post on this matter. As an initiative to get Nuffnangers outside of KL to be more involved with Nuffnang, they have taken the first initiative to actually get Sabahan bloggers for a mini meet up in Kota Kinabalu with yours truly! (read up the post here)

[Dreamy Cones! :D]

While I was in town to visit my family back in Sabah, I made my way to Jesselton Point which also happens to be the location for the Stompin' Sabah last year for the meet up. Naturally I had the help of fellow TeamTehTarik member Safriz to help out with the pictures as well as the arrangements of the meet up itself, just to make sure that everything goes well.

[TeamTehTarik enjoying a cup of teh tarik before gathering]

There have been much speculations online on where we both are from. Actually, both myself and Safriz were born, raised and even lived for a while in Kota Kinabalu Sabah so coming back here would be a return home for the both of us as well. Kinda like killing two birds with one stone for this event.

As we got there relatively early to book seats (one hour to be precise!) we settled down in the Dream Cones IceCream cafe which served some of the most delicious looking gelato ice creams you can imagine in the town of Kota Kinabalu and to be honest, the entire Jesselton Point place was a really comfortable place to hang out. Lots of shops to chill at and a great view of the South China Sea to add to the ambiance.

[Unexpected rain!]

Unfortunately for us, the rain started to pour while we were setting up the place for the gathering and it really did pour. With such limitations for the place, we struggled to think if anyone were to even show up for the gathering since that the weather made such hassle for us to even get places to sit.

How wrong were we?

[Sabah Gathering starts!]

Before long, bloggers started to come around, said hi and introduce myself to me and made themselves comfortable in our table. Despite the heavy rain and traffic that we all had to endure in town, around 13 people still made it for the gathering and it was a very positive sight to be frank with you. We started our gathering with some light chat and introductions...

[Our sponsors for the night!]

[Cracking up with Nuff Sabah!]

[Exchanging addresses]

We continued throughout the night doing something that what we would all expect to do in a gathering. Nothing fancy, just boils down to a bunch of bloggers enjoying our time exchanging stories and taking pictures doing so. We talked about everything under the sun, stories on how we all first started blogging, the trials and tribulations of being a blogger outside of KL and other stories. I even took the time to answer some questions about Nuffnang that they have been dying to know as well as stories of how activities are done in KL with Nuffnang.

What I gather from them was quite simple, perhaps it is to the bloggers on this side of Malaysia to get themselves more involved with Nuffnang activities and I can understand where they are coming from. Of course they too understand the limitations that Nuffnang would have to do events like this outside of KL but I hope that they can be assured that gatherings like this would not be the last in Sabah or any other states from Nuffnang!

[Nemo, the youngest Nuffnanger in the gathering!]

[The Ladies of the Night!]

One of the most humbling things that I faced that night was there were bloggers who actually made the drive down to Kota Kinabalu to meet up for the gathering which I thought was a great effort put for the night. The entire time I had a blast getting to know bloggers from my own hometown and honestly so many things were shared that night. We had conversations, ideas, and even a little contest to give out some limited edition Nuffnang t-shirts, something that not even most of the bloggers in KL would have! All in all, despite the weather not really being our friend for the night, the "mini gathering" turned out to be a great success and I owe it all to the bloggers who attended the night. As part of my effort to get involved in the blogsphere, this would definitely not be the last of an event like this in the future and hopefully the hospitality from the Sabahan bloggers would be just as great as the night, perhaps even better!

Much gratitude and thanks for the bloggers that came, Sdr. Azreen, Sdr. Jobby, Sdri. MummyNemo, Sdr. RonaldMohoni, Sdri. Mydaniaeryati, Sdr. Starznews, Sdr. Joanne, Sdr. Hayden and Sdr. Nemo. Really looking forward to my next visit to Sabah which hopefully will be soon. Thanks so much guys, from the humble heart of an average teh tarik blogger! :D

Picture credit to the works of TeamTehTarik member Safriz! Do check out his works guys! Next post guys, SABAH TRIP! Keep an eye on this space!

Nang this post if you like it guys! Thanks!
Follow the TehTarik way!


  1. I want to buy nuffnang t-shirt.Where can i get this t-shirt?

  2. I m happy to be one of the nuffnangers that night...hehe

  3. kalau sy pun mau pigi..kekekke

  4. Nemo is soooooo cute, how old is he? :P

  5. Nice post yo! I came across MummyNemo's blog before reading yours. You should totally read what she has to say about you. Funny lolz!

  6. I wish nuffnang would have a gathering in Kuching Sarawak :O

  7. just wish i could attend nuffy meetups.

  8. dude, and u missed my bday party where gloria blacked out after 12 midnight and i can hardly remember what happened. but anyways, come over again. we'll party our brains out.

  9. wow! why only few of them, i thought there wud b waiting for sarawak!

  10. so when are you coming to Kuching for Kuching Nuffnanger's gathering?? XD

  11. Perghh..sure best punyer...NEXT? Apa lagi jom pi Sarawaklah..serangggg..hehe..NN should buat a contest and those who won the contest will be covered,i mean sponsered air ticket and accomodation + foooooddd..hehe..let EggYolk prepare apa yang patut kat sana..hehe

  12. gosh, is Safriz your twins? or am i hallucination?

  13. dont think its on sale, seeing that its a limited edition Nuff shirt.

  14. nvm, mebbe next time then.

  15. you'd never know there might be... :D

  16. mebbe the next one?

  17. of course, you really think im going to miss out on another family reunion?

  18. well, you'd never know if i was to pop up there next? :D

  19. macam menarik idea tapi kena tengok budget. I'm always keen to go back to Kuching anyways. :D

  20. thanks so muhc for coming!

  21. very young indeed!

  22. I already did! :D

  23. I'm not so sure though but he is young!

  24. unfortunately the weather was really bad that night but still there were more than what i would expect

  25. nah, my younger brother. we're one year apart.

  26. wah...excited sgt..muka masuk kat tehtarikmemoirs...ngahahaha..thanks shah

  27. Ehhhh bro nice T-shirt, can the junior have one too? :P

  28. I did planned to attend the gathering, but too bad it rained that day.
    Well, I hope there will be more Nuffnang-related activities/gatherings in KK in the future :)

  29. no problem! :D

  30. them shirts are limited bro! :D

  31. it wont be the last time we're going to have an event in KK so dont worry! :D
