GPlusMY Presents: Snickers Advert Launch

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Its been a while since I last posted an activity with GPlusMY but then again I have been away and the group has been going through some revamping period in the past. Nevertheless GPlusMY members were given the opportunity to be involved with the launching of a new Snickers TV advertisement campaign.


This time around, the campaign launching took it to the courts (futsal courts to be exact) and had the launching at the Sports City Fustal Section 13 PJ. Best part of all, the launching was officiated by none other than our Malaysian National Football team head coach, Datuk K Rajagopal!

[Entering the Launch]

[Media and guests grabbing a seat]

[Hosted by none other than the Morning Crew JJ and Ean!]

The idea behind the campaign was quite simple. Most people in town act, talk or even sound different when they are hungry and therefore becoming a "completely different person" at those times. Snickers aim to solve that problem by combating sudden hunger moments with bite sized snacks when you need them the most!

Hence why when the Malaysian team get them hunger going, they need a solution quick! :D

[Head coaching giving players an earful for performing with an empty stomach!]

[Much happier coach! :D]

At the moment, I am not allowed to disclose what the advertisement looks like (because the launching date will be done simultaneously in Malaysia and in Phillipines) but here's a sneak preview on how the advertisement is going to look like!

So for the event itself, it was awesome (despite the weather) to hang around with the Nuffies again and in the same getting to meet the Malaysian team players up close and personal during the event. It comes to no surprise that I am a big fan of Harimau Malaya and this really did made my day.

And then, we were required to play football with them....

Not to mention that we are not even near the standards of playing with the Malaysian football team, neither of us have been kicking around a football for god knows how long, which in the end would spell a predictably disastrous results!

[this is his fault]

[Enjoying the camera before the game!]

[Despite losing the game, we still got ourselves some prizes!]

As the match progressed, we sweat and played our hearts out for a 10 minute futsal game. I have to admit that despite the training I have been going through for the past couple of months for my running, its a different ball game altogether when it comes to futsal. Then again I had my fair share of fun playing around the futsal field. Lord knows when would be the next time I'll be playing again in the near future.

After our little exhibition match, we had more chances for photo ops with the VIPs!

[JJ and Ean, friendliest bunch of radio jocks ever!]

[National Captain, Safiq Rahim!]

[Group photo op with Safiq and S.Kunalan]

All in all I had huge fun hanging out with the rest of the GPlusMY members in a hot Thursday afternoon and hopefully we can get to see more of this happening in the next couple of month. Or are we? :D

Nang this post if you like it guys! Thanks!
Follow the TehTarik way


  1. Ah haha, I think Kunalan didn't really bother playing his best.

  2. You look so muscular! Yumm! haha :D

  3. Selly Selina @ CaTWoMaNApril 9, 2012 at 3:34 AM

    Dang, I miss playing futsal with my Sports Barn boys! ;(

    BTW, just wondering if my Running Skirt is on the way? Let me know mmmkay ;)

  4. i'd go... just for the Snickers! :P
