GPlusMY Presents: Video Games Live 2012

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It has been a while since we last have a GPlusMY activity together and in the spirit of restarting the monthly activities once again with the gang, the community decided to touch the inner geek in us and at the same time inserted some culture in us at the same time (that didn't come out right...)

[Insert whatever game theme you want here!]

So this time around, we managed to get three winners from a short Twitter competition that we conducted to join me and Miss Ave T to enjoy a night of gaming symposium that has been made famous to come up with not only original music composition from the actual game but also their own mix of medleys as well for the past 10 years!

If you don't know what Video Game Live is, basically two legendary video game composers decided to promote culture within young people and the best way to relate to them is to perform a symposium of music based on their favourite video games. So far they have travelled to almost all continents around the world and for the past 10 years, they have come up with new materials each time they visit a country which loosely translated, very awesome!

[Very ecstatic winners for the night!]

So we arrived just in time before the start of the show to catch up with the winners, Toninkush, Simon and Alex for their tickets for the night and of course a slight camwhoring session. One thing we realised that throughout the night, this was by far one of the biggest gathering that I have seen that involved gamig and comic geeks and nerd apart from Comic Fiesta which is great! I feel so at home...

Once inside, we got ourselves comfortable for the show...

[We were welcomed with the results of the cosplay competition done earlier that day]

[Anxious fans getting ready in their seats]

[Camwhoring session with the better half]

Once the show started, we were basically blown away with an array of music composition from games that we all know very well. To be honest at first I thought that the composition would only include present games but amazingly enough they also included several compositions from games of the yesteryears, much to the appreciation of the crowd.

There was so much energy coming in from the band, not to mention the amazing performance of the Malaysian Philharmonic Orchestra backing up the band and choir singers for the show which I thought was amazing.

One music in particular that got me jumping out of my seat was the Liberi Fatali, which was the introductory theme to one of my favourite games, Final Fantasy 8! I even have that song in my car so listening it live was pure bliss!

[Playing the medley from Legend of Zelda]

[One of the most requested song from the show :  Pokemon!]

And just when we thought we had a great show lined up from the band, they also included a few session of crowd participation as well, which was once again met with a roar of support from the crowd!

[Frogger competition while the band plays the music]

[Winner of the Guitar Heroes competition earlier gets a session with the band]

So, all in all we had one hell of a night filled with musical awesomeness and much to our expectation the hype that was built for this show was met. Despite the fact that we would love to see theme songs from several other games, we still had fun watching the show itself. Perhaps for their next tour, we would come again in costume no doubt?

Thanks again to the GPlusMY members for coming along and enjoy the show with me and hope to see more people from the gang for the next event!

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