You Know You're Getting Old When...

Blame the lack of intelligence by the people that was suppose to upgrade the internet in my place, who managed to screw up their work and damaged my internet connection, for the lack of post recently.

I know that people have all said about the fear of growing old(er) for whatever reasons and sure enough, I am not exempted. Since that now that I am officially entering the late twenties years, reflection on the things that I think may trigger this feeling. So therefore, you know you're getting old(er) when:

1. What used to be fun back then is no longer fun anymore
Late night clubbing, loud music, hanging out chatting in the mamak shop till late night seem to not do it for you anymore. Not that you don't want to but you would rather stay home, pop in the movie 21 Dresses and go to bed by 11.45...

2. "Comfort" and "Practicality" will always prevail over "Style" when it comes to selection of clothes
 Aw come on guys, the Man-Bag thing is so working now...

3. Cartoons that you used to remember when you were kids are never heard of anymore
Kids these days just dont remember "Space Cop Gaban" and "Kesatria Baja Hitam" anymore.... 

4. You start your description of people as "Kids these Days..."
 Crap, I just did that...

5. All time great songs and bands that you used to remember in the past are now played in shopping malls and lifts.
They put any songs from these bands in lifts, heads will roll I swear

6. You can no longer relate to the songs of "rock bands" today
Hey, its not really my fault when I can relate to lyrics that says "She's got a boyfriend, I have a rock band, I wish I can turn the car, but she already have a boyfriend"... sigh...

7. You can no longer catch up with the younger generation in sports
Making a good play in football/basketball/hockey/etc. used to be followed with a scream of joy or excitement. Now its replaced with "OH MUNG-KEY CRAP! I THINK I INJURED MY HIP! FARGE!" which also usually includes the self realisation that kids this days (damn it did it again...) are built faster then before.

8. People around you seem younger than you thought they were
Nothing can ruin your day even more when a group of people that don't seem to look that much younger than you playing football and suddenly hear them scream "Uncle, nak join kitorang tak? Kitorang tak cukup orang ni!". Sigh...

9. Coming out of bed is now a chore
It hurts your ego when you can't really "jump out of bed" as the saying goes but rather huff and puff to roll yourself out of bed, which usually takes 15 minutes to half an hour followed by a loud thump on the floor...

10. You see your old pictures and realise that you are no longer in as good shape as you used to be.
The whole "V-shape" body is overrated anyways. Besides, I'm sure the "over-mutated-pear-shape" body trend is coming back in style...

Bring on "mid life realising I am getting older" depression phase. I dare you...


  1. i nothin to add. coz u just dissed Boys Like Girls. I am still in my prime. mwahahahaahhaha!!! 21forever!!
