Is That What You're Really Thinking?

I got this idea while reading an article from Mens Health the other day, which coincidently was the same topic I had in a teh tarik session recently. The entire idea of wondering what the other person is really thinking is not exactly a new idea but it is something that most of us has been grappling for years and years, especially in our own community.

[ So true... ]

Perhaps that it is our culture to not really say what we really think in conversations with other people and would rather mask it with what we think would be a more pleasant answer. However, one would not realize this that for every time we do it, it makes it so difficult for another person to actually understand what you are really thinking...

[ Even the ladies find us difficult ]

The reality is, that we are a difficult person to understand, be it for guys or for girls. I do understand that a lot would say that this would only effect the female mind but you'd be surprise on how many of us men would actually give our counterparts a difficult time to decipher what we really are thinking.

So, what would exactly be the solution to this problem? Fact of the matter is that this issue lies in such a grey area, that many of us would not even think of a solution and just leave it as it is. Personally, my suggestion would be just to really talk. The beauty of face to face conversation really is dying out there and in the end, a lot of us would not have the guts to even say what you really feel or think. In the end, many of us fail to really portray what we think due to the fear of talking. Say it out loud people, it really does help...

So blurt it out when necessary people, the last thing you would want is a difficulty to actually say what you really are thinking.

Anyone with any other ideas on this? Do share!

Nang this post if you like it guys! Thanks!


  1. lol......well......i guess in reality, many people can not handle the TRUTH white lies are fine :-P

  2. A : Owh, that's just so beautiful!

    B : It is indeed!

    C : Oh, thank you so much! (to A ) I like yours'! (to B) Yours' gorgeous as well!!! (but mine's the best! blehbleh)

    A & B : (ofcoz mine's better, nehneh)


  3. Sometimes, straight to the point would hurt someone else, so under some circumstances we should not tell or express out

  4. Checking out ere teh tarik. =)

  5. The truth hurts sometimes~

  6. easier said than done.
    if i were to say everything that comes into my mind, u'll call me an attention seeker coz i'll go "me me me me me me me me me" all the time.
    so really, saying out loud all the time is not a good idea.

    I would prefer ppl who would actually LISTEN.
    The best way to see if a person is listening to u(and not merely waiting for his/her turn to tell their grandfather story), is to ask him/her for advice.
    if he can't come out with something relevant, then u'll know la whether he/she is listening or not. =)

  7. OH NO! sorry dear...
    accidentally posted a comment using ur profile. =P

  8. I really agree with all this messy thing, all this while face to face was the best remedy to solve most of the problem. I did not say all of it cud be solved, but need transparent from both party are the most important to draw a great solution. Human the are rarest species when dealing with each others, whether u might like it or not............non of us wud like to admit it. Reality was never been look into u mind? MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS!!!!!! Hahahahaha

  9. okay.. this means people can be tricky and we wont noticed at all..
    we're all actors in life =P

  10. dude! i agree with ur post! check out my latest post :) last para..hehe.

  11. haha true true. of course until you get caught... :D

  12. exactly. its always like that isn't it?

  13. true. but it is confusing for others to actually figure out what we are thinking.

  14. thanks mate!

  15. it always will wouldn't it? :D

  16. In the end, its a marvel at how we actually communicate to each other. through time, perhaps that we have managed to figure out what all of us are thinking...

  17. like a ninja baby...

  18. nyahaha checked it! nanged, read and commented babe! :D
