Football = Adidas?

For years, most of us Malaysian associate the brand Adidas with football. It is a wonder, with the availability of so many other sporting brands available in town, in the end the first thing that we think about when mention Adidas would always be football.

Perhaps that it is because of the impending World Cup fever that most of us football fans will be experiencing in July, perhaps that at one point of time that we all remembered our national jerseys were sponsored by Adidas, or even it might be perhaps that majority of the main teams competing in the World Cup this year are sponsored by Adidas. For what it is worth, one thing is for sure though, the thought of this brand MUST go hand in hand with the sport.

[ Adidas Sponsored team for this year! ]

For this, perhaps this is the reason why people would not be able to unsuit Adidas with the sport, including myself! 

[ My futsal team, supported by Adidas! ]

Project Alpha is presented by Adidas Action 3 and supported by P1 and MAS. The Project Alpha bloggers will be at the Adidas Pure Game Ole KO event on Friday (May 21), from 7.30pm-8.30pm. Catch them in action!