DiGi IPhone 4 and New Site Features!

While I brainstorm for the next post idea (which is going to be a good one I assure you), I figured that it would be best if I was to browse around the blog world and in the same time clean up some of the stuff here on the site.

Seems to me that everyone is going absolutely bananas over the Digi IPhone 4 competition, which I did not have the chance to take part due to really hectic schedule. However it does interest me to actually go around and check out the entrants that people have submitted. I have to say this competition has been a stiff one (for all the reasons) and a member of TeamTehTarik took the effort to make a vid entry for this comp!

By looking at Debbeh's entry for the competition I couldn't stop laughing at the videos that she made for it and I am sure you guys would as well. Therefore I urge y'all to go check out her post on this and have a laugh as well. Who knows you might see a cameo of someone "really familiar"...

Below are the links to all 4 of her post!

show her some love ppl! :D

For most of the time, people would ask me who exactly are in TeamTehTarik, something that I would have to admit I have failed to really clarify from my previous posts. So I changed the Link page of this site to have a clear view of who is who in the group!

Plus I've also added a new partner in the Business Link of this site! I'd like to welcome The Vanity Hall into the group, which is pretty much a shop for all you ladies out there. Do check out the site to see what it is all about and show it some love as well!

[Fashion Galore!]

Alright, enough promoting business... Do keep an eye on this site. Tomorrow might be a juicy post coming up...

Nang this post if you like it guys! Thanks!
Follow the TehTarik way!


  1. hi der,
    thanx a lot 4 dropping by on my so infamous blog..heh~
    yarrr...great to see u LIVE...hahhaha
    n hopefully we can meet again at d next NUFF party!! (^___^)

  2. congrates for being featured blogger :D

  3. found you! what a great blog you have!.. :)
