GPlusMY Movie Day - Shaolin

As a follow up to more events to come from GPlusMY this year, we've decided to treat our fellow members with a movie session, thanks to the good people of TGV and Nuff! Its been a while since we had a non-press movie review session with the members and we figured that this would be a great time to let the members enjoy some of the benefits of being with the club.

[Shaolin here we come!]

Going along with the whole Chinese New Year festive mood, we decided to go for a kungfu Chinese movie called Shaolin which is a Hong Kong action movie based on a setting in the early days of China. As much as there were dread of us actually enjoying a non-English based movie, I honestly believe that every guy in Malaysia, despite their race, would have a default setting in their brain to enjoy a kungfu movie every single opportunity they get.

 [Despite the friendly pose, I was trying to swallow my fries before Shahrul and Elwyn can get to it!]

[Best thing about gatherings like this are meeting new people, seen here with Sdr. Wei Siong and the ever lovely Sdri. Tyyann]

[The council with Elwyn and a new comer for GPlusMY events, the every bubbly Sdri. Trisha!]

[I believe the focus of this picture would be me still munching on my chips and Sdr. Simon's awesomely flaring Crocs!]

So how did we find the movie? Despite much concerns in the beginning that we might not enjoy the movie as much, general consensus of the group thought the movie was actually really good. Plot line of the movie was fantastic to begin with and the superstar cast was definitely a plus for the movie itself. A must watch to be honest with you.

Some complains thought about the movie is that there are times that the movie can get a little draggy with the conversations as everyone who came to watch the movie was there to get some kick-ass-kungfu goodness and not much on the talking.

Despite the small number of turnout for the movie itself (due to some unforeseen confusion), the council of GPlusMY were really grateful for the turn out of the people there itself. There are more to come this year folks so stay tuned!

Nang this post if you like it guys! Thanks!
Follow the TehTarik way! 


  1. More to penang? lols...

  2. I love the nuffnang t-shirt...I've missed your visit in sabah last year..huhu..

  3. Isaac Tan wants to join in also.

    I actually emailed twice to join GPlusMy but no news. Sad :( Ima active sociable kl blogger. At least I like to think I am! :)

  4. wah... nice! how to get nuff t shirt??? give me 1!! hehehe

  5. don't worry, its not going to be the last trip to sabah! :D

  6. of course man!

  7. dont worry, we have a new cycle of entry for members this coming year. will keep you posted!

  8. the t-shirts are very limited mate! :D will keep you informed on how to get one
