#NAPBAS Prediction - Best Entertainment Blog and Most Influential Blog

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By the looks of it, voting are starting to get a little heated up with the competition for votes is getting kinda fierce between the finalist. I wonder any of the predictions that I made so far has actually swayed or woo-ed the people to vote for their blog.

Regardsless, we now have two categories which, as expected, consist of some heavyweight bloggers as the finalist for the category.

Do Check Out My Previous Predictions on DAY 1 and DAY2!

[It's Party Time!]

It comes to no surprise that some of the more famous bloggers in town are entertainment bloggers seeing that people now are relying on bloggers to come up with the most up to date information in the world of blogging. I guess entertainment media today may have taken a different route than the one we always remembered as.

Presentation - At the moment, I am unclear really when it comes to this criteria but I'll try my level best anyways. On one hand, I believe that it is crucial for an entertainment blogger to have a rather, well, ENTERTAINING writing with the news they cover, which kinda sets them apart from your everyday "cut-and-paste" bloggers. 

On that note, I think props need to be given to the writing styles of Jin for his originality in his writings. Of course it does help when you're Radio DJ who pretty much have access to celebrities in person before anyone else. 

Of course on the other had, presentation could also be judged on the manner the blog itself is presented, in this I would believe that Kenshin actually takes the cake on this category. A combination of both simplicity and cartoon fun-ness really does put an edge on his blog for this category.

Content - This is where it is crucial to judge for this award. The one thing that people are looking for when it comes to visiting blogs like this is the stuff you actually put into it and for this, two powerhouse bloggers would take this as a two horse race.

BeautifulNara has certainly established himself as the recognised entertainment blogger here in Malaysia, especially among the Malay readers in general. Through time he seem to be able to establish himself not only from his readers but also recognition from the press and artiste here in Malaysia as well

Coming in closely to him is the whimsical writings of SassiSam who would be the equivalent to a "entertainment catalog" of Aussie bloggers. One look at the website and the first thing that you realise is there is nothing that this blog does not have when it comes to entertainment stuff. An encyclopaedic bliss to read I would have to say.

Relevance to Category - I think most of them are pretty much explained above. However, I am pipping this to be a  three horse close race between BeautifulNara, Jin and Sassi Sam to win this competition, simply because among all they are the only ones that really do portray themselves as a true blue entertainment blogger.

So, with that tight race in mind, I predict that the one that would take the award for this one, albeit by a close margin would be....

[He may be a man but he can be beautiful!]

I'm betting on a winner here and by the sheer number of followers and supporters this guy has, I'm pipping him to win this hands down. I'll set aside the fact that I actually know this person, I'd still say that the other two will give him a run for his money but I'd still back him up for the win. 

[The alpha male/female of bloggers!]

This is where it gets fun. Being the nature of the award itself, it comes to no surprise that you'll get the "A-listers" of bloggers under this category. So do excuse my excitement on making a prediction on this category.

Presentation - Perhaps one of the reason that people actually follow some of this bloggers religiously is because they are nice to look at, either the blog or even themselves. Something I gotta take note of and improve (*scratch...scratch....scratch...*). Back to this, again I would believe that two bloggers would slug out on this criteria.

First up you got the ever lanky, ever gorgeous and of course Malaysia's sweetheart Hanis Zalikha who pretty much established her base ground of supporters here in Malaysia ever since Malaysia Dreamgirls. Nevertheless very very witty writing in her everyday post, very original layout oh and did I mention pretty as well? :D

Then you have the one that people may have established as the queen of South East Asia blogging. Xiaxue has since then made one hell of a name for herself over the past couple of years and for all the obvious reason. Very controversial writing at times while in the same time still maintains her girly image. Oh did I also mention pretty as well? :D

Content - For this, there are three bloggers worth the mention. For one, BeautifulNara would hold up his accord under this category for the reasons mentioned above. However, our Thai friend WoodyTalk seem to be a legitimate contender for him on this criteria who has demonstrated a similar push for content on his website as well.

When it comes to creativity, props would be given to Xiaxue again since that over the years I have seen her blurt out one of them most creative ideas for a post I have ever seen done by a blogger which I think I would have to admire. Mind you that I don't really read much girly blogs (for the obvious reasons) but even under that notion, her ideas still manage to catch my attention every now and then.

Relevance to Category - Pretty obvious in this department as well...

So, the one that would take the crown for this, I am predicting....

[My apologise for not being able to get the new banner on her site]

As how she dominated the awards two years ago, I would predict that it would be the same again for her this year. Despite the heavy competition from the other two heavyweight bloggers, I don't believe that the "Xiaxue Army" would allow her to lose this one. Not by a longshot...

So once again, I am banking on these two to win on their respective category for the reasoning that I mentioned above. Eitherway, do remember to cast your votes which is open between now until the 27th of November for the awards itself by CLICKING HERE which should give you ample time to make your decisions as well.

Nang this post if you like it guys! Thanks!
Follow the TehTarik way


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