Cut and Paste Bloggers

When I first dwell myself into blogging back in 1997 (back then I remembered knowing nothing about HTML and was merely helping a certain friend to make my school blog), writing a blog was difficult for all of us. Blogger itself was only on a beta stage, there was no template we could follow and constructing a page would mean a whole day of encoding HTML to a free web hosting. Then again, we still made it happen and the idea of blogging was really about writing your own thoughts, your own ideas that you really want to share to the world.

Now, more than ten years (high five on making myself sound old in 10 seconds!) later, blogging is a thing of ease that anyone who wants to share an opinion can do so, with minimal knowledge of HTML if any. This would have been a good thing as now more people can have a voice over the internet and not worry about it.

Problem that I have is against cut and paste bloggers, those who actually STEALS ideas from others, paste them on their blogs and calls them on their own. A new bred of bloggers, which I would conveniently call the "Cut and Paste" Bloggers.

 [ Courtesy of PHDComics ]

I know that a blog topic like this would most likely incur the wrath of a lot of people out there but let me make it real clear here. As per my discussion earlier, I would only categorize "blog plagiarisms" when you fail to do ANY of the following:

1. Pick up an article of any kind from someone else and instead of crediting the work to that person, you call it your own.

2. Not inserting any of your own thoughts or words into the article, quite frankly embracing the idea of "cut and paste"

I floated the idea to Ave and Cereal on this idea and one thing that they mention that a lot of us cut and paste stuff from a lot of people. Agreed that this is common but following the general rule of "Plagiarism" as per how we were thought in school, surely that bloggers out there would at least respect the same principles as it is in real life.

[ Courtesy of ]

Call me old fashion but I have a beef against those who steals the idea and work of others to call it their own. My intention to blog from the very beginning was to portray my own ideas, not limp on the back of someone's work which has already proven to be popular and hope that you will achieve the same result as well. In my talk with other bloggers in my circle, I've mentioned that already we Asians are labelled as "copycats", we are not helping ourselves out of the situation by reproducing other people's ideas with hope that it will boost the ratings of your own site.

[ Courtesy of ]

For whatever reasons that you would like to put for this, I refuse to believe that we all lack the idea of posting blogs to the extent that we have to steal ideas from others. If this situation would be wrong and punishable heavily in a situation outside of blogging, why should it be any different then?

In the end, I'm sure that a lot of you blog readers out there would agree with me that we would want to see more writers with a little sense of credibility and creativity in their postings rather than mere copycats, blog posts that can at least show some evidence of work into your own creation, rather than just attaching someone else's hard work and call it your own. As most of us would mention, one day you would hate it if it was to happen to you.

Share your thoughts in this people. I welcome all.

Nang this post if you like it guys. Thanks.


  1. who copy who? i wanna know.. =P

  2. i strongly agree with you....i've seen ppl copying others and make it like theirs....

  3. AGREED! There seems to be a lack of bloggers ethics. If you want to post something for the sake of posting something, go snap a picture of something. And totally agree on the "inserting any of your own thoughts or words into the article" Obviously you chose it for a reason, just add in "WHY?" Sigh more to say but already out of my boundaries as a commenter, sorry for the loooong comment^^

  4. I hate those ppl to.....not just in blogging ~ i would at least give credit to the source b4 C & P :)

  5. I really couldn't agree more on this. I just feel so bad for those that can't have their own idea and need to steal ppl idea to colour their blogging life.

  6. Lolz.. nice toons...yeah i hate bloggers like that too...

  7. Lolx... I like this post..!! Interesting..!
    **foot print**
    Thanks for visiting my blog.! Hope you did click on my adv!

  8. i havent had anyone copy off my blog yet (at least noone that i know of) but i know i certainly wont take too kindly to it!

  9. this is soooo true...what's most annoying is when they copied stuff from magazines (like 10 things girls should know about guys) as well and start putting that in their blog...why can't they come up with something original of their own!!!

  10. at least you should link back or give credit to the picture you put in here. Lol...

  11. Urgh! I know what you mean. I have seen a few copied from Yahoo articles but translated it in simple english. Not a big problem but they used word for word and don't even bother put in their own thoughts and everyone falls for it. =/

    Here I am, cracking my head on what would be interesting to write.

  12. i met one bloggers.he did put some of his thoughts, but i still can find the similarities. coz he translate it from English to Malay-and unluckily, i've read it.

  13. alamak, it was unfinished. i opened a topic coz i was a bt pissed off

  14. Very true bro! The worst part is that a victim of this whole cut and paste nonsense can't really do much about it.

  15. I've just written a post somewhat similar to urs. High five.

  16. Kinda true =P Copying is getting quite common.

  17. I agree with what u wrote..nanged u too~

  18. Credits is important especially when sharing something =D

  19. This is just the tip of the iceberg- I once came across a local MAGAZINE that plagiarized articles from an international website (translated to BM, of course). With no credits given to the author, obviously. Maybe the colleges these people go to were not strict on plagiarism.

    The reality is that the blogosphere isn't what it used to be 10 years ago. People who started to blog from way back when blogged for themselves, their social circle, with the intention to share their thoughts.
    No prizes to guess what people of today blog for. What motivates a person to blog nowadays is different, and some people want a quick way of acheiving their blogging goals. Just look at the quality of some of the blog posts lying around the 'sphere.

  20. @ken not really pin pointing on someone in particular but rather addressing a growing trend among us bloggers.

    @saiful exactly. the last thing you want to do is to be caught stealing other people's work.

  21. I don't understand as well that why some people would not want to put their own effort on their own blog, and rather steal from others. I guess its just easier that way...

    dont worry about long comments, always LOVE reading this kind of feedbacks on my blog so thank you! :D

  22. well done mate! at least you have that much ethics! :D

  23. the problem is, we are seeing so many cases of this, until the point people agrees to make this a norm.

  24. wuddup holmes!

  25. if it happens to you, my suggestion would be a cold hearted message on their post! :D

  26. go one up, imagine people stealing articles from yahoo

  27. exaclty! I spend a good 2 hours to write a post with the simple intent of portraying my REAL thoughts to an issue.

  28. haih, trust me there are worse out there...

  29. can you imagine we get ourselves caught in that situation jr? the amount of trouble we can get?

  30. just read it. Awesome high-5!

  31. which is the reason why i wrote this... :D

  32. The idea of magazines plagiarizing other works is truly a common game in this country, long before we thought this problem emerged. My wonder would be why, are we that short of creativity that we have to resort to stealing?

  33. I am so so so so so so so so so so so sorry for replying late on the comment thread. will not happen again. :D

  34. K - SPOTTED F.Y.I.July 27, 2010 at 1:15 AM

    Nicely written. :)
