And the SAGA continues!

I remembered the time when the nation first launched its national car back in 1985. I was real young back then but I remembered the hype that my parents were talking about it, how we now have something to be proud of.

25 years later, the pride of the nation still carries on its tune.

[ Living the Dream of the Nation ]

Honestly I would actually credit KYSpeaks and Cheesie for their post on this, otherwise I would not have even knew about the competition in the first place... :D

Basically to commemorate Proton Saga's 25 years Anniversary, they have decided to come up with a contest to find out who would be able to snap the most creative picture of a Proton Saga (regardless of model) and come up with the most creative caption for the picture as well. As most would already know, I have been known for making an effort (some successful and some, well, horribly futile) for competitions such as this and obviously, its really hard to push away the temptation to at least give this one a shot. Let me be the first to mention that the highly lucrative prize money that comes with this competition IS NOT the only reason of my participation (this is the whole truth and nothing but the truth....).

So, we set our minds to find out ideas and creative poses for the competition. As per usual, I do have the support of my very own TeamTehTarik with me. Although I have to admit that Ave T and Cereal were merely on the "idea input" stage of the project (on the basis that they would not want to participate on a "funny and hilariously dumb poses that takes out the glamour" shots), I do have my faithful brothers with me.

The task was not a simple one, let me assure you. After many days of convening, we've come up with a simple theme for the project, "25 years and the SAGA still continues" (an idea courtesy of Debbeh) which we wanted the pictures to be in a night shot. 

[ We had to tell Salman he was lighting up the wrong car... ]

With the help of a TeamTehTarik ally, Salman, who provided us with the car as well as an extra man power to help take the pictures, we needed every light source we could get to take the pictures. As much as the great talent of Safriz's photography skills had to offer, we still needed almost 300 shots to make only 3 pictures that were to be submitted to the competition.

The first picture was to highlight the 25 years of excellence that Proton has brought to this country and this is what we got.

[ Warming up for the pose ]

[ First pose :  NOT really that good... ]

[ Final Pose : 25 Years and the SAGA still continues! ]

Next up we wanted to showcase the idea of pride and passion of the country so we wanted to use more of the flag with the car ( Note that "Stormy" Reza's idea was to use a girl in a Malaysian flag bikini. I didn't think so...). So thus, we had this shot.

[ Idea of SuperMalaya - rejected ]

[ Looked like I was constipated - rejected ]

[ Final Pose : Pride, Passion and Legacy of a Nation ]

Finally we wanted a motion shot of the car itself, which came into the idea of Shaz. Thus, we came to this shot:

[ Going...]

[ Going.......]

[ GONE! : LIFTing the Nation since 1985 ]

There you have it, my 3 picture postings for the competition alongside with their captions. I really hope that the judges will like the pictures, only time will tell perhaps? :D Do check out the Saga Snap and Win Contest page for more info on the competition.

[ Production crew! ]

Special thanks is given to Salman for really helping us out with the picture. Without his help, I believe that this would not be able to accompllished!

Nang this post if you like it guys! Thanks!


  1. I'm gonna take a photo of myself with my 18 years old proton saga too =)

  2. Nice one (: *double thumbs up*

  3. Cis, my comment this morning also made the cut. Makes me look like a real perv. Thanks. No "less than 3" for you, sir!

  4. i like the lifting the nation pose! epic epic!

    Dropped by from Lukey's Rantings

  5. the second last pic, cool! How did u guys managed to jump so high!

  6. I like the photo of 2 fingers + 5 fingers =]

  7. nice pict. like the LIFTing pict. hehe. and, nice ride bro.

  8. do it jr and post it up!

  9. thank you! :D

  10. thanks bruv!

  11. thanks. hopefully can get something out of it. :D

  12. haha might wanna be a bit careful with your comments. now, more than 100 readers will see it. :D teehee!

  13. hahah thanks! it took a while to actually achieve the shot

  14. took about 100 takes to get it that high!

  15. thank you! lets hope that they get the idea! :D

  16. thanks! :D

  17. thanks much! wasn't easy to get that shot!

  18. thank you!

  19. thanks! lets hope can get something out of it! :D
